HackFest Final 2016 / forensic 100
May 20, 2016
hi this is my write up about forensic 100 task in the final hackfest ctf in tunisia
so we have a for100.pcap file
first we open it with wireshark and check what’s going on there
there is many request and nothing good for us
but before the ctf end we noticed that there is a not valid domain there “harmlessdomain.net”
so we decided to extract it all using a simple truck in wireshark
dns.flags == 0x0100 and dns.qry.name matches "[0-9]{1}.[0-9a-f]{4}.harmlessdomain.net"
and then File” -> “Export Specified Packets” we get another pcap file with just what we need
then we extract the hex caracteres
strings for100_filtred.pcap | grep -P "^[0-9a-f]{4}$" | tr -d "\n" > res
we get this :
so we can see that its a broken Signature header of gzip file 1F 8B 08 00
and we just swap them but we still get a broken file and finaly we just swap two by two to get :
and just a simple python script
file_hex = open('res','r').read()
tar -xvf flag.tar
and pwn :D we get a secret.txt file which we have there our flag :D
flag = " too_easy_to_be_proud"
thanks :)